Equalities, SEND and Safeguarding
Inclusion and Equalities
Columbia Market Nursery is a fully inclusive school where the teaching and learning of every child matters.
We aim to remove the barriers that prevent all children from making the progress that they should.
You can find out more in our Single Equalities Policy below, which includes our Equalities Objectives for the next four years.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Some children have an identified Special Educational Need or Disability when they enter the nursery, and may have received additional support in another setting. We will ensure that we liaise closely with families and previous settings to ensure smooth transition and continuation of support.
On entry to the nursery all children become part of a rolling programme of observation and assessment, which informs planning to ensure that individual needs are met.
All children are assessed in the Prime Areas of learning, (Personal, Social and Emotional; Communication and Language; Physical Development), during the first two weeks in nursery.
It may be evident that a child needs support quite quickly, particularly in these prime areas of learning. Other difficulties may not become evident until later and so the staff monitor children all the time.
We have a very ‘open door ’policy and parents/carers can speak to staff informally on a daily basis.
We meet more formally on a termly basis to discuss children’s progress. If concerns are raised by a member of staff about a child’s progress, he or she will approach parents to arrange a meeting in order to discuss these concerns.
Similarly, if parents/carers are concerned about their child’s progress they can approach staff with a similar request to meet for discussions. These discussions will help staff and parents identify concerns and strategies to meet those concerns.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policies
Our SENDCO is Kim Waters.
She can be contacted as shown below:
Tel 0207 7394518
Email: admin@columbiamarket.towerhamlets.sch.uk
Safeguarding and Child Protection
The school and the Governors take safeguarding your child very seriously, as a legal duty.
- The school has procedures in place for changing, safe internet use, use of photographs and medical needs.
- Staff are regularly updating their First Aid qualifications.
- Occasionally the school may have concerns that they need to raise with you or another agency.
- The school will make paramount the care of your child
A copy of the school Safeguarding Policy and Prevent Strategy can be found on the Policies page and also at the links below.