October 2021

October has been a very busy month for all of the children and the staff members at nursey.
We welcomed many new children and their families at the nursery and an Ofsted inspection on the 7th. Thank you to all parents who talked to Her Majesty’s Inspector and Ofsted Inspector on the day. We will receive a copy of the report when it is published.
October is our Black History month and we always celebrate it with different related activities, such as printing African patterns on fabric to make scarves, creating our own shakers decorated with Caribbean patterns, reading many stories settled in Africa, Caribbean and other different countries.
The children had the chance to take part in an exciting drumming workshop on the 8th October led by Iroko theatre. All children had fun at playing the djembe and had a close look at different African musical instruments in the nursery garden.
The staff at Alice Model enjoyed performing  Handa’s Surprise for the children. The children were very impressed with their teachers’ acting skills! We also tried the different kinds of fruit featured in the story book.
Thank you to all the parents who took part in the workshop on positive sleep routine and toilet training on the 21st October.
Have a great half term everyone and see you back at nursery on the 1st November.

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